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Vision 2017 National Tour: innovative architecture safe and sustainable
2017/6/18 9:37:26

From May 2017 to June, ivisions Technology (uniview) to "Kaijiangtuoyu as far as the theme of" great strides, in the country more than 70 city held communication products technology (hereinafter referred to as the "tour"), as of June 4th, ivisions has been in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other 30 city successfully held a total of more than 12000 participants. An associate chairman Wang Yanji said: technological innovation, scientific structure, safety and stability, sustainable development, ivisions become the security industry's most recognizable companies believe ivisions with partners to assess customer needs, to become the industry model in the spirit of cooperation.

Figure: Yu to the national partners report "security machine vision" actual combat cases

In public security field as an example,videoMonitorTechnology has gone beyond criminal investigation, technical investigation and network surveillance, becoming the most important and reliable technical means, completely changing the original handling process. Big data comparison, minute locked the suspect, is not Arabian Nights; probe "guard", "mouse Patrol", Skynet covering both urban and rural areas to safeguard the safety of UAV aerial visit; fire accident, clear and detailed images of the scene immediately returns, provide the basis for scientific rescue; flat system command, control, a hundred responses to a single call, jueshengqianli...... However, under the new situation, the overall level of public security scientific and technological innovation can not meet the requirements of public security work, so it is urgent to strengthen the overall design and co-ordinate the implementation.

Pingio to your game Lazi

Ivisions tour presents "visual wisdom IOT" strategy of the first stage "security" machine vision solutions, all products and actual cases, the three dimensions of business intelligence in a visual presentation, platform services, IOT infrastructure to promote the integration and development of the security business and machine vision, with partners to jointly open a new era of perception of things:

In visual business end, ivisions GIS map engine "temmoku", 2D, 3D, panoramic multidimensional fusion, to create the industry's strongest city level map application, realize the panorama and high matching, command scheduling, empty full dimension. 2D, 3D fusion, flat and three-dimensional space switch, immersive, into the interior to master the details.

In intelligent platform server, currently in the country has deployed more than 50 projects, of which Kunlun large capacity distributed cloud structured intelligent analysisThe serverHas become the industry star products.

In instrumentation infrastructure side, always adhere to the excellent industrial design and exquisite control: the industry first breakthrough 44 times large magnification, support, starlight laser / infrared light is optional, the industry's first digital adaptive optics + fogpentrating, three screw fixed ring and other innovative users have access to application in practical application.

Figure 1: the industry witnessed the first five year plan, net revenue from 300 million yuan to more than 2 billion yuan

Industry model for the Bureau of the world

In Beijing tour, China security products industry association chairman Wang Yanji said: "the ivisions established the achievements of the 5 years, beyond all the most optimistic expectations, the completion of the conversion from IT vendors to security vendor's role. 2016 revenue is located in the third national security companies, products sold to hundreds of countries around the world, I believe that the view of the second five year plan is more exciting."

From other partners blessing and admonition:

@ old Mongolia a knife: ivisions is our engineering business friends, strong customer service pre-sales service, technical solutions, a high degree of customer satisfaction! Come on。

@ Xie Huacong: in ivisions products exchange, understanding an ultimate high-end cloud server...... Kunlun. I am from Guangzhou, I heard the application of this equipment Guangzhou Railway Station, I think the country from the peace city and a step forward, thanks to Yu vision.

@ Beidou: is there a male to new plan? After so many years of monitoring, even if the cost of a high point, but also adhere to the "Yu" view, but the north "Yu view" brand can be used widely! I also hope to xiongan dipping down

@ Huang Zhaoliang: look back with ivisions through all sorts of mouse products or channels or blank, or equity conversion, one step at a time, so the following back-to-back ivisions brand, world security before the three target, ivisions on my hand hand, accompany cooperation so simple.

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